Pocklington lucky to have more Mental Health first Aiders

In August, Pocklington Rugby in the Community, ran its second Mental Health First Aider Course. By securing funding for this initiative, PRITC has enabled volunteers from many groups in Pocklington to gain the qualification free of charge. The course is intensive, and volunteers have each given up 14 hours of their time to gain the qualification. 

Debbie Britton, an Accredited member of BACP (The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and an Instructor for Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA) ran both courses at Pocklington Rugby Club and has been impressed by the commitment and enthusiasm of all delegates.

One delegate, following the training, commented: ‘A difficult and sensitive subject, but Debbie led us through the training manual so well. The whole group felt sufficiently relaxed to share and learn together. A really positive learning experience, and feel we are all better equipped to act as Mental Health First Aiders. Learning was enhanced by the good venue, and facilities, excellent catering, and regular breaks.’

Louise Partridge, Community Volunteer Coordinator, said: “Because of both training courses that PRITC has run with Debbie, we now have 26 Mental Health First Aiders in our community! I am so grateful to our town’s volunteers who give up their time, not only to support specific groups in Pocklington, but also the whole community. We have one final course running in September, and already have 11 more volunteers signed up to attend. Pocklington is a very lucky town!”