Mission to attract more Pocklington volunteers

A co-ordinator looking to make a real difference in Pocklington is hoping people will come forward and volunteer at a number of groups in the town.

​Community volunteer coordinator Louise Partridge has been working with the many organisations that are run by volunteers in Pocklington and the surrounding area.

Some of the volunteering roles that are currently being sought are:

•Humberside Fire and Rescue – require volunteers to carry out doorstep safety surveys (full training and expenses are provided)

•All Saints Church – volunteers needed to put out and put away tables and chairs for Tuesday coffee mornings

•Brownies and Guides – volunteers for sessions and to become Guide Leaders

•Burnby Hall Gardens – the Events Team would welcome volunteers to assist with bands concerts (one hour once a month) and children’s events during the summer

•Pockdown – planning is underway and volunteers are needed in various roles

Louise said she would also like to hear from any local businesses who encourage employees to volunteer as a chance to build connections with their local community.

She said: “Volunteering comes in all shapes and sizes: from one hour or one event a year, to a regular commitment of once a week or once a month, to more of a commitment by becoming a trustee or a group leader.”

During the Covid pandemic, many people volunteered and a register was kept of these.

This register no longer exists.

However, the town does needs a ‘pool’ of volunteers that can be called upon for example to help with community events such as Bonfire Night or in an emergency where a large number of people need to be mobilised at short notice such as being part of a search party for a missing person.

Louise said: “Often a group will need volunteers for a specific role or a specific event and to be able to put a message out to the town to see if anyone has any time to spare would be amazing.

"But we need that ‘pool’ of community volunteers to be able to do this. Many of the volunteers I have spoken to, not only talk about the difference they are making for other people and the community but also the difference they are making to their own lives: that sense of pride and achievement they feel and of the satisfaction in knowing they have made a difference, no matter how small.”

Through working with Pocklington Rugby in the Community (who secured the grant to run this project) Louise has been able to facilitate training for volunteers and group leaders. Training offered in the past six months has included first aid, MIDAS (Minibus Driving Awareness Scheme) for Beverley Community Lift, safeguarding, food hygiene, applying for grants and funding and mental health first aider training, to name some.

So if anyone would like to volunteer, but feel they do not have the right skills or wish to ‘upskill’, training can be arranged.

If you would like to find out more about volunteering, or sign up as a Pocklington Community Volunteer contact Louise via email at pocklingtonritc@outlook.com, call 07749 489885 or go on to Time2Volunteer and register: Pocklington Community Volunteers - Be Collective - Volunteering.